What is this?
Lucky Clover Grand Finale is basically a rarity blog. If something is here, it's because it is or used to be rare at some point. There is no restrictions to what can be posted here, homebrew/doujin games are expected for matching well with my personal interests.
The idea behind this blog is just put whatever rarity I get my hands on here with only direct links (no protectors or any advertising) so other people can download it and hopefully spread through the internet again, living up to the phrase "once it's on the internet it's there forever".
The idea behind this blog is just put whatever rarity I get my hands on here with only direct links (no protectors or any advertising) so other people can download it and hopefully spread through the internet again, living up to the phrase "once it's on the internet it's there forever".
This project initially started on my Yu-Gi-Oh! blog, where I decided to upload Doki Doki Daitsui DUEL E(ro) CARD after taking several weeks to finding the game itself. Even to this day it's one of the most popular posts (maybe because it's a hentai game) and after some months the blog started to show up in regular google searches, making that same game less painful to find.
It didn't take long until I ran into other rarity that I actually couldn't put on the blog because it wasn't Yu-Gi-Oh! related. That's why this place exist!
If something is too hard to find due to lead to a insane amount of broken links, malicious sites or annoying unseed torrents, I consider it to be a rarity.
If you can still find it, but only with a couple links from some years ago, when all the other results are too old to have a functional link, I may post it here as a preventive move.
No. I won't hunt random things for anybody, but if you happen to have similar interests to mine, I'm more than happy for helping you keep those raritys alive and maybe some day, becoming easy to find again.
Also, feel free to follow this blog and keep track of whatever I happen to find.
Also, feel free to follow this blog and keep track of whatever I happen to find.
As I said before about my Yu-Gi-Oh! blog, maybe your site got a boost for having a rare item you can't find anywhere else, but I won't remove anything from here because of selfish reasons like that, this kind of shitty attitude will only punish all of us in the long run.
If you are the creator of one game or program I uploaded here and are not OK with it being reuploaded, it's a completely different story. As long you can prove being the original creator, I will remove something if you really want to.
Did you find something interesting here and have a site or blog? I highly encourage you to download it, upload it on your personal Google Drive/Mediafire account or whatever so you can also post it on your site and make that thing even easier to somebody stumble upon.
I used one of the sample themes from blogger with a darker color, so I wouldn't hurt everybody's eyes for no reason. This Kawarino fanart from Yes! 5 was something I had on my wallpaper folder and looked cool alongside with the colors from the layout. It ended up being way more suspicious than intended... but hey! It's looks cool.
Lucky Clover Grand Finale is the group move from my favorite season of Precure. It didn't mean anything special, sorry for disappointing you.
If you comment a question already answered here, it's likely for it be ignored.
If you comment a question already answered here, it's likely for it be ignored.
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